英表ⅠRevised Vision Quest Advanced Lesson11
Lesson 11
Listening Task (p.87)
1. T 2. F 3. T
Pronunciation (p.87)
A: Are you American? B: No, I’m Canadian, and I live in Toronto.
A: Really? My sister is living in Toronto now.
A: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the museum?
B: Well, it’s difficult to explain, but I’ll show you if you want.
A: What a cute dress! It makes Nancy look really young.
B: She is young. She is the same age as you.
Practice 1 (p.89)
1. This watch (is as good as that one).
2. Nancy (sings as well as her sister does).
3. (Nick has as many friends as you).
4. I (don’t get up as early as my mother does).
5. (I have three times as many CDs as my brother).
1. My audio player is (cheaper) (than) this one.
2. Our new car is (faster) (than) our old one.
3. You are (three) (years) (older) than Chris.
4. Kate (paints) (better) (than) Julia.
1. Which is (the) (cheaper) (of) (the) (two) bags?
2. I arrived at the station (fifteen [15]) (minutes) (earlier) (than) Kevin.
3. This movie is (much [far]) (more) (boring) (than) that one.
4. The population of France is about (half) (as) (large) (as) that of Japan.
1. John can swim as fast as his brother (can).
2. My mother walks more slowly than my father (does).
3. “It seems (that) this winter won’t be as cold as the last one [winter].” “That’s good.”
4. Your paper [essay] is twice as long as mine [my paper, my essay].
5. This room is not smaller than mine [my room].
Practice 2 (p.91)
1. Sam is the (fastest) runner (in) our school.
2. The tree is growing (taller) (and) (taller).
3. This temple is one of (the) (oldest) (buildings) in this city.
4. (The) (older) we get, (the) (faster) time flies.
1. (b) This is the (most) (interesting) TV program that I have ever seen.
2. (b) Jim plays tennis (better) (than) (any) (other) student in the class.
(c) No (other) (student) in the class plays tennis (better) than Jim.
(d) (No) student in the class plays tennis (as) (well) (as) Jim.
1. (He dances best of us all).
2. That is (the most expensive computer in this store).
3. (Meg is by far the best pianist of) the five girls.
4. (She is one of the most diligent students) in our school.
1. “Who gets up (the) earliest in your family?” “My (older, elder) sister does.”
2. This tower is the third tallest [highest] building in the world.
3. Andy is the most polite boy (that) I have met.
4. The Shinano is longer than any other river in Japan. /
No other river in Japan is longer than the Shinano.
5. Our teacher spoke more and more quickly.
Expressing (p.92)
1. In all countries, the birth rates in 2010 are lower than those in 1950.
2. In 1950 Japan had the highest birth rate of all the countries, but in 2010 it had the lowest
of all of them.
3. Japan’s birth rate has been falling more rapidly than that of any other country.
Practice 1 (p.89)
1. この腕時計はあの腕時計と同じくらい良い。
2. ナンシーは彼女のお姉さんと同じくらい上手に歌う。
3. ニックにはあなたと同じくらいたくさん友達がいる。
4. 私は母ほど早くは起きない。
5. 私は兄[弟]の 3 倍の数の CD を持っている。
1. 私の音声プレーヤーはこの音声プレーヤーより安い。
2. 私たちの新しい車は古い車より速い。
3. あなたはクリスより 3 歳年上だ。
4. ケイトはジュリアより上手に絵を描く。
1. 2 つのかばんのうち,どちらが安いですか。
2. 私はケビンより 15 分早く駅に着いた。
3. この映画はその映画よりはるかに退屈だ。
4. フランスの人口は日本の人口の約半分だ。
1. ジョンは彼のお兄さんと同じくらい速く泳げる。
2. 私の母は私の父よりもゆっくり歩く。
3. 「今年の冬は昨年の冬ほど寒くはならないようです。」
4. あなたのレポートは私のレポートの 2 倍の長さだ。
5. この部屋は私の部屋よりも小さくはない。
Practice 2 (p.91)
1. サムは私たちの学校で最も速いランナーだ。
2. その木はますます高く伸びている。
3. この寺はこの市で最も古い建物の1つだ。
4. 年を取れば取るほど,ますます速く時は過ぎ去る。
1. これは私がこれまで見た中でいちばんおもしろいテレビ番組だ。
2. ジムはクラスの中のどの生徒よりもテニスをするのが上手い。
1. 彼は私たち全員の中で最も上手に踊る。
2. あれがこの店でいちばん値段の高いコンピューターです。
3. その 5 人の少女の中でメグがずば抜けてピアノが上手だ。
4. 彼女は私たちの学校で最も勤勉な学生の1人だ。
1. 「あなたの家族の中では誰がいちばん早く起きますか。」「姉です。」
2. このタワーは世界で 3 番目に高い建物だ。
3. アンディは私が出会った中で最も礼儀正しい少年だ。
4. 信濃川は日本のほかのどの川よりも長い。
5. 私たちの先生はますます早口で話した。